Today was a typical day off for me.
I woke up decently early, bullshitted around on my phone like a normal human being, ate a small snack for breakfast, said goodbye to my sweetheart…and went back to bullshitting on my phone.
I knew of the tasks lined up for me. And… I knew of the transit on the horizon. That being said, I got out of my place later than I wanted, but at the usual time I would. I got a few things done, cleaned up a bit around the place, and had a surprise visit from my sweetheart I wasn’t expecting, but was certainly hoping for. (Her current schedule doesn’t allow for her to stop by home on her way to work from massage school because Atlanta traffic). That was nice.
And then, in the middle of tasks, I had lunch. And then I atrophied. And then…you get the picture.
I awoke from my mid-afternoon slumber to the sight of the full moon rising in the sky. It was…magical. It’s not like I hadn’t seen the moon rise before, but this time the experience hit differently. Something about it being sandwiched in between two blinds just seemed right, like I was meant to witness this moment. It kind of felt like I was in a movie, where the main character sees the moon and becomes inspired. Not that their life has been in utter turmoil, but maybe, just maybe, something would come to ignite some passion that was laying dormant.
Too bad I ignored that feeling for another couple of hours. However, eventually I remembered something I thought about yesterday, as well as this morning.
Yes, the Legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo came to mind. You see, I have a funny way of making allegories and comparisons in my head. They make sense to me and I guess that’s all that matters, but what I’m going to do today, right now, is something I seldom do.
I’m going to share these seemingly unrelated thoughts I somehow bridged together with you. Those thoughts are how I believe Mewtwo is a perfect allegory for the planet Saturn ingressing into Pisces, and why I feel if we understand Mewtwo’s message, you’ll not only survive, but thrive during this transit.
It is my hope that you find this article to be not only entertaining, because enlightening, inspiring, and at the very least fun. After all, I used to have a lot of fun writing. I’m trying to recapture that admittedly. This is sort of like a test run if you will. It’s like I have to remember how to ride a bike again. So yea, you’re kind of like my guinea pig. So here we go. This is why Mewtwo inspired me to write this article.
“I now see that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It’s what you do with the gift of Life that determines who you are.”
That is a quote from Mewtwo in the first Pokemon Movie. If you haven’t seen it, either you’ve been living under a rock, or hated your children and grandchildren for never exposing them to such an amazing franchise. That being said, I’ll spare a lot of the details on the assumption that you probably know what I’m talking about. However, I will give some background.
Ash Ketchum wants nothing more than to be a Pokemon Master. He travels around the Pokemon world with his buddy, Pikachu, making friends with and catching many of these strange creatures called Pokemon. The franchise has been around for several decades now, and is one of the largest and most recognizable brands around. The movies seem to exist in a separate dimension from the anime, and often feature a Legendary Pokemon. The first movie features Mew, a mythical, Psychic Pokemon and Mewtwo, the clone of said mythical pokemon. Mewtwo was created in a lab that it ultimately destroys. The scientists there were attempting to create the world’s strongest Pokemon…and they succeeded.
Mewtwo begins to question its existence and eventually amasses a large army of Pokemon on an island. Mewtwo’s power begins to shift the entire weather and ecosystem of the Earth, causing major disruptions. Ash gets invited to said island so Mewtwo can test its strength against the world’s strongest trainers. Ash tries to punch Mewtwo himself because he’s a noob, and soon a massive battle breaks out between Mewtwo’s cloned Pokemon and the regular pokemon.
I remember watching this movie as a kid and was awestruck. I had never seen anything like it. And yes, I cried when Ash turned to stone. But as the movie climaxed, Mewtwo begins to see the error of their ways and uses telekinesis to transport itself and all the clones to a place where they can live in peace. Somewhere in that time, he dropped that quote I mentioned above.
“I now see that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It’s what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
Now, how does Mewtwo’s story relate to astrological transits?
On March 7th, the planet Saturn will enter into the sign of Pisces. Saturn is known as the planet of hard work, career, discipline, overcoming challenges, growing up, you know…fun stuff. It spent the last several years in the sign of Aquarius, pretty much right when the pandemic kicked off. Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, is the peculiar house that represents friendships, big groups of people, cliques, individuality, and service to others.
Over the last three years, ask yourself. Did you experience any adversity and challenges in these areas?
If you look at the glyph of Aquarius, it looks like two waves on top of each other. The symbol is actually quite genius and represents Aquarius incredibly well. The two lines are essentially sine waves that are matching each other’s frequency. In many ways, Aquarius represents belonging. The people we belong with. The job we belong with. The hobbies we belong with. The health we belong with. And the interesting thing about Aquarius is that it will give you back the energy you give it. All of the air signs deal with duality in some way.
Like all signs, Aquarius has its highs and lows, its bright spots and shadows if you will. Well adjusted, this energy will have someone expressing their authenticity in a way that serves others from the heart. Someone who doesn’t mind being called weird, because they know that they have to keep it moving. The water bearer has to deliver the nectar to everyone and can’t just stand still. It knows where it belongs and where it doesn’t. It also doesn’t seek to convince others by any means necessary and won’t trip out if they don’t see eye to eye. They just keep it moving until they find energy that matches their vibration.
The shadow side is someone that constantly seeks validation. They might take to the internet to find it. They may create a character out of themselves that doesn’t actually match who they are, because God forbid, what if someone finds out? That’s the funny thing about the shadow of the natural 11th house. It simultaneously represents individuality and cults. It represents being your unique, wacky self, and conforming yourself to a group think ideology.
I think it’s fair to say we are all a part of cults. And this is the part that humans fought over the most during the past couple of years. Some cults are better than others. That, I believe, is true. Some cults are better than others, vibrationally speaking. And we all fought with finding our place amongst the collective since 2020. We all looked for belonging. That’s natural. We are human, but this search was kicked into overdrive in the last three years. I’m sure you can immediately think back to at least 3-5 instances and be like “Yep, I was trying to find belonging there.”
Well, that transit is over. Pluto is coming up behind Saturn and will be in Aquarius for 20 years. That’s a separate article. Now, Saturn is moving into Pisces, the dreamer, the imaginative, the mystical and delusional natural 12th house.
Pisces represents the hidden and unseen aspects of our lives, the ethereal, the non-conforming nebulous energy that has no shape or form. It’s hard to grab or grasp. It must be felt in a different way, with different senses. The imagination and dreams are often associated with Pisces. Pisces transits are always weird, because whatever planet is there has been through all the other signs already, so Pisces is sort of like a review of all that energy, and by golly, there’s a lot of it. That’s why you can’t put it in a box or a glass.
Saturn going into Pisces is going to challenge our dreams. It’s going to challenge our imagination. It’s going to bring to the surface feelings lying within the depths of our subconscious, which is like an ocean. Eventually, a new island will be born once Saturn reaches Aries. But we’re not there yet.
Saturn in Aquarius was a lesson in belonging; the people we associate with, the place we live, the actions we take, and more. Sometimes, it can feel like Saturn doesn’t give rewards for the hard work. It’s sort of equivalent to getting a hard, fought for compliment from a strict parental figure. They finally said, Good Job. They didn’t shower you with gifts or a party, just a “I’m proud of you”
Sometimes that’s all you need.
When I think of this transit, I think of Mewtwo. He (I’m assuming he due to the voice actor in the first movie, but legendary Pokemon are usually genderless, and there is an instance of Mewtwo being voiced by a female, but I digress) was challenged by the circumstances of his birth. He didn’t understand his purpose and it sent him into a rage. He created his own clique/cult of Pokemon that matched his vibration. He sought to impose his will on others, another shadow of Aquarius. The idea that you can coerce others into belonging with you, even if it doesn’t match who they are intrinsically, it’s the belief that what you think is right not only for you, but all of the collective.
We saw a lot of that over the last three years. We all took part to some degree.
However, Mewtwo eventually realized that while he could not control the circumstances of his birth, he could do something great with the gift of his Life. I can say for myself, as someone who has been studying Astrology for at least a decade, fascinated since childhood, my belief in Astrology was challenged greatly during this Saturn in Aquarius transit. Astrology happens to be ruled by the sign of Aquarius and it's a system that determines certain qualities you have from the moment you are born. Maybe that’s why some people don’t believe in it. It’s very deterministic in a sense and it sort of runs counter to the human spirit.
And yet, at the same time, my understanding of astrology deepened and grew healthier. I don’t put it on a pedestal like I had subconsciously did before. I still respect and practice astrology, but from a renewed understanding.
Because even though we are all born under certain circumstances and may be predisposed to certain qualities, it does not mean we can't dream bigger and achieve greater. We can not be easily put into a box, because we are a cosmos onto ourselves.
Saturn going into Pisces is going to shake the collective in the best and most needed way. People’s dreams are going to be challenged. Fog will set in for all of us, at different intervals and moments throughout this transit. The desire to escape and not face our subconscious will be at an all time high, especially with Neptune being at home for this Saturn visit to the 12th house. The best way you can make it through these next three years is to remember your belonging.
What do you belong doing? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What teams can you be a part of that will champion and compliment your gifts? How does this vibe feel? Are you willing to put in the hard work on your dreams? Are you willing to face the unknown, the unseen? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust others? Do you trust the gift of Life you have been given?
Mewtwo is a powerful, psychic, legendary Pokemon. He could probably beat Goku in a fight if he wanted to. Ok, that’s debatable. The point is, that each and every one of us has been given this powerful gift of Life and it’s up to us on what we do with it. We can spend time trying to convince others and ourselves that we know what’s best for humanity. That because of our knowledge, we must impart that knowledge onto others to save them. Oh yes, Aquarius has a massive savior complex! I think Mewtwo was trying to save Pokemon from humans because he couldn’t see the potential in Pokemon raised by them. That’s why he started the war. Ultimately, he learns that through the right connections, anyone can be powerful and achieve success, and that no matter where they come from, they can make something of themselves.
I know this allegory was a stretch. Perhaps a bridge that seems too unstable for you to cross. However, for me it makes sense and I have no issue with meditating in the middle of it. I’m going to implement this understanding over the next few years and see what happens. I think it’ll be a challenging, yet fun and joyous journey. These next few years will be a reminder to us all on why we are here, so yea… no pressure!
I believe so long as we remember that we really can do anything we set our mind and heart to, we’ll get to wherever we need to be. We must be a vibrational match to that reality. And if we feel any discord, that that’s our soul trying to wake us up from the dream we are in. It’ll be an interesting sea to navigate for sure, and we are sure to encounter some storms along the way. However, I believe taking things back to the simple pleasures, the dreams we had as a child, the imaginations that could not be contained, will be the guiding light during this transit. It’s about getting serious about our play, our joy in a sense, hopefully a joy that brings joy to others as well.
I believe so long as we keep all of that in mind, we’ll be just ok.
Jay Fenixx March 6 2023 9:10 PM ET