I'm sitting here, enjoying myself a warm, sweet cup of tea, in the holistic shop I started working out of. It's incredible just thinking over the last couple of weeks, the amount of changes that have taken place in my Life.
I met a Leo. I discovered a place that provided a mental clarity I hadn't experienced it quite some time, so much so that my spirit was calling out for me to become more of a presence there. I started meeting new people. I started vibrating out of the place where I thought my future would be. A place where I really thought I was meant to grow and blossom into the person I thought I was supposed to be.
The Universe has jokes and hopefully, we can learn to laugh at them. Although, we seldom do at first.
We'll bitch. Moan. Complain. Kick. Scream. Resist. Surpress. And bitch some more.
But then, eventually, we come around to see that by Walking in Faith, we will experience the magic that the Universe was setting us up to experience.
I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions these past few weeks. Venus is retrograding in my 8th and 9th house. The New Moon in Leo occured in my 9th, squaring my Sun, Mars, and Pluto in Scorpio in the 12th. Needless to say, I'm experincing a transformation, a death and rebirth. I call myself Jay Fenixx. This Venus Retrograde does feel like my Phoenix Rising in a sense.
I just had a discussion earlier today with a woman that asked me what the "Turtle" meant to me. I'm currently sporting a Turtle necklace and a turtle shirt. I explained how to me the "Turtle" represents stability and groundedness, whilst also having the ability to go with the flow. In my mind, I was thinking particularly sea turtles. There's also a sense of "Walking by Faith" when the new hatched turtles have to make their way to the ocean. Imagine being thrust into a world where you don't know your parents. There's no one to take care of you, and you're immediately conforted with a challenge. The reselience of these creatures inspires me.
How oft to do we feel like we have to make our way to the Ocean alone? That "ocean" can be a new job, a new relationship, a new home, etc. We have to trust in the process and have faith that we can make it. Just like these sea turtles, I have to learn to trust that I can remain steadfast in my value, whilst also exploring all of the creativity and joy this world has to offer.
This journey is not for everyone. But everyone can and will take this journey, one day.
I'm just grateful to have been supported by enough people in my life that encouraged me to trust my intuition. If you feel like you don't have enough people telling you that, let me be the first to tell you...
And believe it or not, you don't require the approval of that many people. You really don't need anyone, but we're all playing this human experience. We all need some encouragement from time to time, but the quality of whom that encouragement comes from is key. That's all it takes to tip the scales in your favor, so you may feel light, bright, and empowered to embark on this journey.
And I'm willing to bet, YOU are that person for someone. You may not even know them personally, however, you are their inspiration.
So don't be afraid of change. Especially when you can feel in your soul, from your spirit, that this is where you need to go. This is where you need to be!
Have a Blessed Day! =)
Jay Fenixx
August 20th 2023
